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Gain Power Over Parkinson's
Most people with Parkinson's see a neurologist for only 1 hour a year.
The other 8,759 hours they are left to manage a very complex condition on their own.
We support people with Parkinson's and their loved ones to understand what impacts their life with Parkinson's, what makes it better and what makes in worse.
Helping people to self - manage and optimise their or their loved one's health in between neurology visits.
But keeping track of it all is a full-time job, especially when trying to hold down a job, look after kids or grandkids while living with a disease that impacts how you move and feel.
When you live with Parkinson's, everything matters, exercise matters, medication timing matters. Stress, sleep, hormonal fluctuations – they all make a difference in living well with Parkinson’s Disease.
My Moves Matter
gives the power to
Remember tablets
See how the timing of medication can affect movement, emotion and cognition.
See patterns
See how adjustments in diet, exercise, sleep & stress levels can improve symptoms.
Track hormonal impact
Understand impact of hormones on how well medications work and symptom severity.
Gain Knowledge
Learn strategies from Parkinson's therapists to
feel better.
Share decision making
Share insights to help neurologists, nurses or therapists optimise treatment.
Help find answers
Take part in research studies to improve treatment for
people with PD.
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